Bicycle Advocacy
The Friends work closely with the Bicycle Advisory Committee to preserve and enhance Lexington's bikeways and to advocate for safer streets for bicyclists of all ages and abilities. Our social media presence includes a Twitter account (@bikeminman), and the Minuteman Bikeway Users and Friends of Lexington Bikeways Facebook pages.

The new Minuteman Bikeway safety and courtesy signage is the result of a collaborative project with the Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Friends, and town staff. We update and publish the Minuteman Bikeway Map on behalf of all bikeway towns as well as material on bike safety, courtesy, and law. At community events -- including Discovery Day and monthly Farmers' Market bike corrals, we talk with residents and visitors about bicycling in Lexington. We distribute free bike helmets to children at Lexington's Discovery Day each May and host an annual "Lights at Night" on the Bikeway where we distribute free sets of bike lights to unlit bikeway users.

In addition to raising funds and hiring a contractor to plow the Lexington section of the Minuteman Bikeway, the Friends monitor hazard reports throughout the year. For minor matters, members of the Friends address the problems; other issues are relayed to Lexington Public Works. We organize periodic trash pickup days, brush cutting and invasives clearing, and annual bikeway counts. Volunteers are needed to help in these efforts.

The Friends in 2021 donated to the community a new water bottle filler and fountain for the bikeway. A new bike rack will be donated by the Friends to LexFarm this spring. Our presence at community events such as the monthly Bike to Farmers' Market Days, Discovery Day, and the LexFarm Harvest Festival provides a chance for residents and other visitors to find out more about bicycling, bike safety, and opportunities to volunteer with the Friends. Planning is underway for a September 2024 Bikeway Block Party to celebrate community and our open spaces of thr parks and playgrounds along the Minuteman Bikeway.